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Hecht, Optics, Global Edition, 5th Edition | Pearson.
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By Eugene Hecht, Alfred Zajac: Optics Third 3rd Edition.
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Aug 15, 2001 The market leader for over a decade, this book provides a balance of theory and instrumentation, while also including the necessary classical background. The writing style is lively and accessible. ISBN-10. 9780805385663. ISBN-13. 978-0805385663. Edition. 4th. Publisher. 20 reviews Author: Eugene Hecht Summary: Accurate, comprehensive and precise, this revision provides students with the most up-to-date coverage of optics. Responsive to students#39; needs, the focus of the revision was to fine-tune the pedagogy, modernize the discourse, and update the content.
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Optics and processing chemistry in holography and: Discusses the pros and cons of the currently available recording materials Provides tutorials on the types of lasers required and optical systems, as well as diffraction theory and wave front reconstruction Details the chemical formulations for processing techniques Researchers. Jan 1, 1996 By Eugene Hecht, Alfred Zajac: Optics Third 3rd Edition [-Author-] on A FREE shipping on qualifying offers. By Eugene Hecht, Alfred Zajac: Optics Third 3rd Edition. Dec 4, 2022 Optics by Eugene Hecht, 1987, Addison-Wesley edition, in English - 2nd ed.